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The LoRa modem on the Panther Logger is the RAK Wireless 11720 (datasheet is here). It is located on the upper right side of the board between the headers for the cellular modem. Sending data with a LoRa modem requires that a gateway is nearby, much like WiFi requires a router nearby. However, unlike WiFi, LoRa can send data much farther, several miles (LoRa = long range radio communication) and with lower power usage, while WiFi is limited to several hundred feet and will use more power. The tradeoff is that not as much data can be sent with LoRa and it must be sent in smaller packets. Considering that many monitoring applications only need to send a couple to a couple dozen data points every sampling interval, LoRa can then be a perfect solution.
Data is sent by the gateway to a network that routes it to a server of your choice. In this tutorial we are going to use The Things Network (TTN) to route the data to one of the IoT databases we setup for sending data with the WiFi modem (Ubidots).
Requirements for LoRa in this tutorial:
The LoRa modem by RAK Wireless on the Panther Logger board
We are going to start by uploading the LoRa_Terminal sketch to the Panther Logger so we can start sending AT commands manually (one-by-one) to the LoRa module for testing purposes. Before doing that make sure a LoRa antenna is connected to the LoRa module. Powering and sending or receiving data without an antenna attached to the LoRa can damage it. The LoRa antenna goes on the right ipex4 connector. After the antenna is connected, turn on the dip switch for the LoRa modem.
Go to our Github page for the LoRa_Terminal sketch here. Copy/paste into a new Arduino sketch and upload it. After uploading, open the serial monitor window. When you see setup finished we can now start sending AT commands in the upper send box. Make sure the ending string is set to both "NL & CR". Start by sending:
You should receive:
If you sent it too early you could get an error. Just send it a couple more times.
Now we need to get some information from the module including the APPEUI, the DEVEUI and the APPKEY. We can get them with the following AT commands:
For my module these return the following:
Your APPEUI (also called join EUI), DEVEUI, and APPKEY will be different.
Leave the serial monitor up or copy these numbers because we will need these numbers later to setup our device on the Things Network.
Go to The Things Network (TTN) here, and click on the sign up button in the upper right. Then click on Join The Things Network for a free account (community edition). Follow instructions to setup a free account. After logging into your account go to the console (click on user name, then on console). Click on applications and then create an application (see video to the right). Click on register end device, then enter device specifics manually.
Give your device an ID, all lower case
Give your device a name and description
For the frequency plan select FSB2, 902 - 928 MHz United States
Choose specification 1.03
Enter the APPEUI and then the DEVEUI and APPKEY from the serial window
Click register end device and now you are finished.
Your LoRa modem is now ready to join the TTN and send data to the application. We will need to send a series of AT commands to setup the modem to join TTN and then one AT command to send some mock data. Enter the series of AT commands below in the send box of the Arduino serial monitor, line by line, hitting enter after each one. This assumes you still have the LoRa_Terminal sketch loaded onto the Panther Logger. If it has been awhile since you last sent AT commands to the LoRa modem you might need to reset the board, close the serial monitor and re-open it.
Replace the X's in AT commands below with your device info (APPKEY, DEVEUI, and APPEUI). If you want to learn what each AT command is doing, the AT command manual for the modem is here. Enter the following line-by-line in the serial monitor send window and hit enter after each command is written. Be sure the line ending is set to "Both NL & CR"
//Wait for the following....
RAKwireless RAK11720 BLE Example
Current Work Mode: LoRaWAN.
+EVT:JOINED //Wait for the join response. Can take several minutes
AT+SEND=1:00170038 //Send the data
This sends the data string 00170038. This is our hexadecimal representation of the number 23.56 (for example, as in temperature data, 23.56 degrees Celsius). The hexadecimal version of 23 is 17 in hex and 56 is 38 in hex. The leading zeros indicate that each is a positive number. The LoRa modem does not accept decimal numbers so we must convert to hexadecimal and then it gets decoded back to decimal at TTN by our payload decoder (discussed below).
Go to TTN and click on applications and name of the application you created and then on end devices and then on your device. In the live data tab you should now see a new entry for "Forward Join Accept Message" and "Forward Uplink Data Message" that contains the hexadecimal numbers we sent.
We sent data above to TTN, but if we want to collect the data in a database and display it in a dashboard online then we will need to put it somewhere. Below, we will setup a payload decoder so that we can send decimal data to a database . Go to your TTN account and then to Applications, then End Devices and click on your device listed by EUI number (see video to the right). Then click on the payload formatters tab. We are going to setup the uplink decoder. Choose custom javascript formatter in the drop down box. Copy/paste the following in the formatter code box:
function Decoder(payload, port) {
if(port === 1) {
return [
"temperature": ((payload[0] & 0x80 ? 0xFFFF<<16 : 0) | payload[0]<<8 | payload[1])+(((payload[2] & 0x80 ? 0xFFFF<<16 : 0) | payload[2]<<8 | payload[3]))/100
This is a decoder function to decode a hexadecimal string of numbers that represent sensor float decimal data that can be positive or negative. It expects 8 hexadecimal digits like our temperature string that was sent above, 00 17 00 38. See an example payload for a weather station here and example function to decode that payload here. That example provides a variety of use cases that should work for most environmental monitoring data.
On the TTN javascript payloader page you can test the decoder on the right by entering a hexadecimel string. The formatter is expecting 8 hex digits so enter the data string we will send in hexadecimal format representing temperature data, 00170038 in the byte payload box and click test decoder. You should see the following in the decoded payload test window.
"0": {
"temperature": 23.56
The javascript code converts the hexadecimal payload to decimal.
Click on save changes to save the payload decoder.
Go back to Arduino and assuming the terminal program is still loaded on the Panther Logger then in the serial window run the series of AT commands above ending with the AT+SEND command again.
Now go back to TTN and look at the live data for your application for this device. You should see another message with the payload sent. Click on it and a window opens on the right with information about the message in JSON format. Scroll down and you will see a similar JSON result as we saw in the test decoder window. It will look like the following:
"uplink_message": {
"session_key_id": "AYyJJIeA3C2yQqrw3qEZqQ==",
"f_port": 1,
"f_cnt": 1,
"frm_payload": "ABcAOA==",
"decoded_payload": {
"0": {
"temperature": 23.56
Notice that the temperature data is now decoded and formatted how we would expect, as decimal format. It is also in the format expected by Ubidots. Note that other databases might be expecting a slightly different format so the payload decoder might need to be modified. There is a lot of other information in this message including antenna signal strength ("rssi") and signal to noise ratio ("snr") as well as the timestamp and geolocation of the gateway that sent the data. This entire message will now be sent by TTN to Ubidots with a webhook.
To send data from TTN we need to use a webhook. In TTN applications click on your application, end devices and then click on your device. On the left click on integrations and webhook. Click on Add Webhook. You will see pre-configured webhooks for a number of different IoT databases including those used in the WiFi tutorials. Click on the one for Ubidots. For the webhook ID choose anything, all lower case. I'll use "ubidots."
For the plugin ID and token we will need to setup the plugin first in our Ubidots account. Login to your Ubidots account (see here to get a free stem account), click on devices and then on plugins. Add a plugin with the plus "+" button in the upper right corner and then scroll down to the Things Stack plugin. Click on it and then scroll down and click on the right arrow and then on the next screen choose the default token from the drop down list. Click on the right arrow and then the green check mark to complete. The plugin is now listed in your list of plugins. Click on it to configure it.
On the decoder tab you will see the endpoint URL listed. Copy that and then go back to TTN in the webhook setup window and paste it into the plugin ID box. Then erase this part:
We only want the last alphanumeric code listed. This is the unique endpoint for your device at Ubidots.
You do not need to create the device at Ubidots. The first time you send data from the device will be created automatically named with your device eui.
Go back to Ubidots and in the upper right click on your profile picture and then on API credentials. Copy the default token and then paste this into the Ubidots Token box in the TTN webhook setup page. Click create webhook.
Back at Ubidots on the decoder tab of your plugin look at the default decoder function listed. Uncomment this line below by removing the two slash marks in front of it:
var decoded_payload = args['uplink_message']['decoded_payload']
Then add ['0'] at the end so it looks like this:
var decoded_payload = args['uplink_message']['decoded_payload']['0']
Why did we do this? Look at the uplink message again we saw above at TTN. The path to our temperature data is uplink_message>decoded_payload>0
You will also see that this default decoder is grabbing some other useful information like the signal strength and signal to noise ratio.
One more thing that needs to be done. We are not actually decoding data here. That is being done with the payload formatter at TTN. So scroll down and comment out the two lines below by putting two slashes in front of each line.
let bytes = Buffer.from(args['uplink_message']['frm_payload'], 'base64');
var decoded_payload = decodeUplink(bytes)['data'];
These lines send the data received to the function called decodeUplink to decode the message. We don't need that so you can just delete that function, or you can leave it as it, does not matter.
Click "Save and Make Live" button and then click on devices tab and Devices. Go back to Arduino and run the series of AT commands we ran above again ending in the AT+SEND command. You should see a new message at TTN under live data for your device and a new device show up with data at Ubidots. You might need to refresh the page at Ubidots to see this.
If you see new data show up at Ubidots then you have now sent data with the Panther Logger over LoRa and that process can now be easily automated in code (below).
We can now send sensor data over LoRa with our Panther Logger through a gateway on TTN. However, we have only done it manually with the terminal sketch. Let's automate this to happen on a set time schedule. It is important to keep in mind here that if you have a free account with TTN that you are bound by the fair use policy, which stipulates that you can have:
In other words... "A good goal is to keep the application payload under 12 bytes, and the interval between messages at least several minutes." This is explained here.
We will automate a script to send mock temperature and battery data to Ubidots over LoRa about every 5 minutes.
Go to our Github page for the LoRa_Send_Data sketch here. Just like code for sending data via cellular, this sketch has multiple tabs. Copy and paste each file into a new sketch with multiple tabs as was explained here for cellular sketches and save with a name of your choice.
This sketch expects that the DS18B20 temperature sensor is attached and that you know its address. See previous tutorial on how to attach this sensor to the Panther Logger board and on reading these temperature sensors by their address in our tutorial on these sensors. The Send_Data_Ubidots_LoRa sketch will read these temperature sensors and battery voltage, convert the data to hexadecimal values and create the payload, then send the payload with the LoRa modem every five minutes.
Since this sketch will send more than one data variable we need to edit the payload formatter at TTN. Go to the formatter and replace it with the below code (it is also in our Github repository here).
function Decoder(payload, port) {
if(port === 1) {
return [
"BATV": payload[0]+(payload[1]/100),
"Temp0": ((payload[2] & 0x80 ? 0xFFFF<<16 : 2) | payload[2]<<8 | payload[3])+(((payload[4] & 0x80 ? 0xFFFF<<16 : 0) | payload[4]<<8 | payload[5]))/100,
"Temp1": ((payload[6] & 0x80 ? 0xFFFF<<16 : 0) | payload[6]<<8 | payload[7])+(((payload[8] & 0x80 ? 0xFFFF<<16 : 0) | payload[8]<<8 | payload[9]))/100,
"Temp2": ((payload[10] & 0x80 ? 0xFFFF<<16 : 0) | payload[10]<<8 | payload[11])+(((payload[12] & 0x80 ? 0xFFFF<<16 : 0) | payload[12]<<8 | payload[13]))/100
This just takes the existing formatter and replicates the line of code to decode temperature data two more times and adds one more line first to decode battery voltage.
Save the changes to the formatter and go back to the Arduino sketch.
To get started, find the code below at the beginning and replace the X's with your device's DEVEUI, APPEUI, and APPKEY:
Go to the code listed below and replace the address with your DS18B20 temperature sensor address repeated three times (or you can wire three different ones together!).
byte Address[NSENSORS][8] = {
{0x28, 0xD7, 0xA8, 0xE2, 0x08, 0x00, 0x00, 0x39},
{0x28, 0xD7, 0xA8, 0xE2, 0x08, 0x00, 0x00, 0x39},
{0x28, 0xD7, 0xA8, 0xE2, 0x08, 0x00, 0x00, 0x39}
Note that you can change the interval between data transmissions, but we do not suggest a shorter interval than 5 minutes as it could violate The Things Network fair use policy.
Upload the sketch to the Panther Logger board and watch for new uplink data messages at TTN and new data in your device at Ubidots.
There is a function, hexConvert1, in this sketch on the "Payload" tab to convert a floating point decimal number to hexadecimal where we expect no more than three numbers before the decimal and want two after the decimal. This also handles negative data. So temperature data would be a good example.
char HexOutThreeNeg[10];
char* hexConvert1(float var){
char HexVar[10];
char FloatChar[10];
float VarConvert = atof(FloatChar);
int16_t Var1 = VarConvert;
int16_t Var2 = (VarConvert - Var1)*100;
sprintf(HexVar, "%04hX%04hX",
Decimal data needs to be converted to hexadecimal. To do this, we first need to make sure we know how many numbers to expect before and after the decimal. We can set this a priori with the dtostrf() function. This function will convert a floating point value to a character string and in the process allow us to set the the number of digits.
var = the float value we want to convert
3 = number of digits before decimal
2 = number of digits to limit after decimal
FloatChar = Where to put the result, created with char FloatChar[10];
The result is a string representation of the float decimal with a set number of digits before and after the decimal.
Then we can convert back to a float with the atof function and continue with the conversion.
float VarConvert = atof(FloatChar);
We now have a float number called VarConvert with a defined number of digits before and after the decimal. Now we need to separate the numbers before the decimal from those after the decimal. We can get just the numbers before the decimal by converting to an integer:
int16_t Var1 = VarConvert;
So if VarConvert was 23.56 then Var1 would now be 23.
Well if we subtract Var1 from VarConvert we get 23.56 - 23 = 0.56. And if we multiply by 100 we get 56, which we can store as an integer. We do this with the following:
int16_t Var2 = (VarConvert - Var1)*100;
Now we have the digits before and after decimal separated. We can now convert to hexadecimal and a character string simultaneously using the sprintf function.
sprintf(HexVar, "%04hX%04hX",
The %04hX tells the sprintf function we want to output hex (this is the X) and use four digits. We use four because two will be used to represent a decimal number up to 255 (good enough for ambient temperature data) and another two to represent the sign as a negative or positive number. We copy the result to a global character string that can be used outside of this function.
There are other functions to convert data of other types to hexadecimal such as data that is expected to have four digits before the decimal, but not negative data.
The sketch uses these functions to convert sensor data to hexadecimal and then uses the AT commands we showed above to send the data to TTN.
This sketch could be improved prior to deployment to do things like use millis() for more exact timing, possibly use sleep functions, include a software watchdog and other functions to ensure the program continues to send data during long deployments.
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